Plush Chameleon Puppet 18″

  • Moveable tongue and eyes
  • Movable mouth
Product Description
The Folkmanis Chameleon puppets are 18 inches (45.7 cm) long and have moveable tongue and eyes. The mouth is moveable and you enter the puppet from underneath. Cool shiny body!Editorial Review
In a word, this puppet is dazzling! Green and black metallic material covers this crafty chameleon’s body. Its big, black eyes are set in bulging sockets–giving the impression that it can see in all directions at once. It has a curved tail, green velveteen spikes … More >>

Price: $16.29

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2 Responses to “Plush Chameleon Puppet 18″”

  1. Everheart says:

    My sister-in-law, always a woman of taste, gave me this puppet as a Christmas gift a few years back. Though he’s a bit of a tight squeeze for adult hands, he’s beautiful, strange, and addictive – useful for amusing the kids and annoying the adults. Mine even has his own party piece – a stirring rendition of ‘O Holy Night,’ complete with tongue action.

    But I’m sure that yours will behave better than that.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. C. Leader says:

    I’ve had this puppet for 6 years. It’s not out all the time, but I pull it out 2 or 3 times a year and use it for stories and let my preschoolers play with it. It’s still in excellent condition. It really is so much fun to use. You can’t manipulate his legs or tail, but his face moves so much you never notice. You stick your hand into his mouth to move it up and down, you can stick a finger into his tounge to move it, and his eyes are attached to plastic sticks that you can move with a finger. I can’t do it all at the same time but my kids never notice:) This puppet is a tight fit on my arm but I love him anyway.
    Rating: 5 / 5

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